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Welotec Joins Margo to Accelerate Open-Source Innovation

By August 21, 2024No Comments

Welotec, leader in the IoT solutions industry, is deepening its commitment to open source as a strategic catalyst for growth. We believe that by cultivating open collaboration, we can unlock new levels of innovation to drive digital transformation in industrial environments.

As an active contributor to the open-source community, Welotec is excited to join Margo, a leading initiative by the Linux Foundation.The Margo project aims to define industry standards and develop open-source reference implementations for interoperable orchestration of edge applications, workloads, and devices. This partnership aligns perfectly with our vision of creating accessible, user-friendly ecosystems. 

By embracing open-source principles, we empower our teams to actively participate in open-source projects, share knowledge, and contribute to the broader community. This collaborative approach enables us to build upon existing solutions, accelerate development cycles, and deliver exceptional value to our customers. Welotec is already working on several open-source projects and is an active member of the Linux Foundation Energy where we are involved in the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) as well as actively contributing by working in the project repository. 


“At Welotec, we see Margo as a cornerstone for realizing the full potential of edge computing in industrial automation. This initiative aligns perfectly with our broader open source strategy, as it encourages a collaborative environment where we can share knowledge and drive innovation. By contributing to Margo, we are not only advancing our own capabilities but also helping to shape the future of the industry.” 

Jos Zenner, CTO, Welotec 


Joining forces with Margo allows Welotec to bring greater transparency and innovation to the industrial automation market. Our commitment to open-source collaboration ensures that our customers benefit from cutting-edge, interoperable edge solutions and lessens dependency on proprietary solutions closed ecosystems. This partnership is an important step towards providing our clients with the best possible tools for building an IoT infrastructure for their digital transformation.” 

Max Lülff, VP Productivity